Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold received a Certificate in ‘Sound, Voice and Music Healing’ at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco in 2011. This ground breaking program designed by voice healing luminary, Silvia Nakkach, featured a dozen visiting teachers specializing in different Sound Healing techniques in addition to Silvia’s Yoga of the Voice training and repertoire. After the year long program, Lynda went on to study Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing with master practitioner and educator Suren Shrestha. She also holds a Reiki Level 1 certificate.
Her private sesssions combine the Tibetan Bowls with other acoustic instruments like tuning forks, chimes and flutes. She works with people to unlock the power of their voices for well-being with simple exercises to build confidence in the instrument we all possess.
Lynda Arnold is a seasoned Multi-instrumentalist, Music Producer, Educator and Performer with multiple music releases on a variety of international labels including on her own independent label. Her music is an eclectic brand of ethereal electronic songs and chill instrumentals released under her moniker, ‘Divasonic.’ She recently released her first meditation album featuring her Tibetan Bowls called ‘Tibetan Bowl Meditations.’ She has taught in post-secondary Audio Production schools and enjoyed a thriving private practice of music students throughout her career. Her journey into Sound Healing is yet another extension of finding her own well-being and spirit through music and sound. In turn, she intends to provide a gateway for others to transform and heal through sound as well.
Armando Hart
After suffering a traumatic leg injury in 1996 that kept him sidelined at the Olympics, The Hart Method training approach was created. Armando's road to recovery brought him a deeper connection to himself that created a synergistic relationship between his body, movement, and life. As a coach, trainer, author, speaker, and mentor, Armando's passionate about reminding others of their innate ability to move their lives forward efficiently and powerfully by grounding into their bodies with the essence of the 8 maxims of The Hart Method- Ground, Gravity, Integrity, Joy, Harmony, Freedom, Action, and Now.
Armando believes that we can incorporate powerful change by moving our body with a deeper sense of freedom and joy. He believes that we have developed a disconnection between mind and body due to the beliefs around success within society. He believes that this belief has resulted in us moving away from ourselves and our essence. His goal is to help individuals remember the power of truly being in our bodies. As a coach and trainer, he has mentored the youth in preserving their essence body, mind, and spirit. He has coached professional and Olympic athletes to maximize performance on and off the field. In 2012, he helped train Misty May-Treanor win her third Olympic Gold Medal.
Armando grew up in Long Beach California as 1st generation Mexican American in a low-income and high-crime environment. He attributes his accomplishments to the power of visualization in harmony with movement. Although his Olympic dream was cut short, he believes that his dream of being a change-maker is being actualized by once again embodying the maxims of his training system.
Armando believes that change within is more powerful than trying to make change on the outside. He believes that true and powerful change starts with our body, our breath, our thought, and movement. He reminds us that we have these tools available every morning upon awakening.
Yve Hart
Yve Hart is the founder of The Inner-G Movement and creator of The 40 Day Green Cleanse. As a transformative mentor, passionate speaker, and intuitive healer, Yve helps individuals to reconnect to their Inner-G (Inner Guidance, Inner Guru, Inner Greatness,) so they can shift from ego to intuition, emotions to empowerment, from hiding in the shadows to shining in all areas of their lives. With her cleanse program, intuitive coaching, and community events, Yve facilitates powerful breakthroughs that free up emotional blocks using effective daily rituals and a variety of healing/coaching modalities to clear spiritual blind spots, release weight, toxins, and ego that nourish people from the inside out.
It was through cleansing and emotional healing that Yve experienced a personal miracle healing 25 years ago. It was then that she experienced her first awakening through the power of food, emotional and energetic healing modalities, and choosing a positive mindset. Since then, her journey of cleansing, healing and coaching has led her to discover the true meaning of finding balance, mindfulness, and self love and she has applied what she has learned to teach others a way to their own unique inner genius.
In 2015 she started up-leveling herself and healing practice to include Medical Intuition and changing beliefs and patterns including genetic and core beliefs with the powerful ThetaHealing® modality. She is often Invited to speak in front of audiences to inspire them on how to move through illness and Cancer and transmute despair to possibility while changing the experience into a healing opportunity. She holds deep gratitude for the ability to change her own life and also inspire others to powerfully transform themselves and their lives holistically from the inside-out.
Garret Wood
Garret’s skill set pulls from sports massage therapy and strength conditioning, clinical hypnotherapy, and his experience as a leader in the health and wellness industry.
Some of his favorite tools to use to help people are hypnotherapy, TRE, NLP, NKT, SFMA, EFT, and P-DTR.
Cassandra Vitale